Monday, August 4, 2014

144 Thousand Introduced in Psalm 110

Truth for Truckers” *May 20, 2014* Psalm 110 “Until I make Thine enemies Thy footstoof
      Psalm 110 is regarded as “The Crown Jewel” of the book of Psalms. This short but powerful revelation by King David the Sweet Psalmist of Israel and Powerful Messianic Prophet provides the believer with marvelous insight concerning David’s Lord, the Messiah, the King of kings, our Great High Priest the Lord Jesus Christ.  While it is one of the most quoted passages of Scripture in the New Testament, the important fact here is the One Who quoted its truth as He dealt with the Pharisees concerning His identity as the Messiah, David’s Lord and the Son of Jehovah God. The Lord Jesus referred to this Psalm a number of times during His earthly ministry (Matthew 22:44, 26:64; Mark 12:64, 14:62; 16:19; Luke 20:42, 22:69). It is also utilized over a dozen other times in the New Testament demonstrating its vital importance in the overall scheme of God’s unfolding revelation.

     The focus in this brief look at Psalm 110 is prophetic, for the majority of the subject matter covered in this Psalm has yet to take place in the course of history. This Messianic Jewel of the Psalms, revealing past and present truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, also provides the believer with vital truth in understanding the end times and “The Priesthood of the Apocalypse”(144 Thousand) as indicated in the Revelation of Jesus Christ (7:1-8, 12:17, 14:1-5, 17:14) originally introduced in this Psalm a full millennia before His first Coming!

     The coronation of the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ is indicated in the opening verse of Psalm 110:
“The LORD said unto my Lord, sit Thou at My right hand until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool.” This clearly underlines Jehovah God’s clear and certain intent to give the Lord Jesus Christ eventual physical dominion over the entire earth (Psalm 2:6-9). This first verse also pinpoints the timing of the Psalm as the Lord Jesus Christ has just ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9-11) and is invited by His Father to sit at His right hand. He sat down at the Father’s right hand and was exalted (Acts 2:33) and subsequently sent “The promise of the Father”, the Holy Spirit, to His people (Acts 2:1-4) which He promised (Luke 24:49; John 14:16, 17, 26, 15:26, 16:7, 13, 14; Acts 1:4). The second verse begins the progressive unfolding of end times events which God the Father will bring to pass as He brings Christ’s enemies into submission:“The LORD shall send the rod [tribe] of Thy strength out of Zion, rule Thou in the midst of Thine enemies.” (Psalm 110:2)
     The phrase “Rod of Thy strength” some apply to the Church or the Holy Spirit for He was and is now the Person Who empowers and strengthens Believers thereby glorifying and exalting the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Holy Instrument by which Jesus now rules as Lord. The Church and the Holy Spirit both came “Out of Zion”, which is the city of Jerusalem, and appear to “fit” the requirements of the passage. However, bringing the Lord Jesus Christ’s enemies into submission is not His primary purpose for the Church. The Church’s primary purpose is to be a “Witness” unto Christ as indicated by the Lord in all five of His commissions: (Matthew 28: 18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; John 15:16; Acts 1:8) which He gave His disciples and now apply to His Body the Church. Although it is through the Holy Spirit that God’s work and will are now accomplished by the Church, the focus of this Psalm is in the future day when Jehovah God brings into submission the enemies of His Son, not the present-day witnessing of the Church of Jesus Christ. 

     God will ultimately bring the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ into submission during His day, the eschatological Day of the Lord. This future end times period is clearly defined in Scripture as it is the most prophesied time in the Word of God. It is recorded in the book of the Revelation 8-19  when the Lord brings His judgment upon the earth and its unbelieving inhabitants! This judgment begins the same day the Lord resurrects/rescues/raptures/receives the saints as recorded in Revelation 7:9-17 when the saints of the ages appear before the Throne of God!

     But before that blessed event, The Passing of the Torch takes place when the Church saints hand off their responsibility as Priests unto God to the 144 Thousand seen in this Psalm: “From the womb of the morning, in the beauty of holines Thou has the dew of Thy youth [young men]” (v.3) They are dressed in priestly garments prepared to execute their Day of the Lord ministry as mediators/priests during the most intense time of serving God known to men upon planet earth! For more info on the 144 Thousand see our blog:

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