Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Introduction-The Priesthood of the Apocalypse


     The study of the prophetic Scriptures in recent years has escalated as recorded by Daniel the prophet:
“Seal the book even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased…And he said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4, 9)

     Daniel’s prophecy of the heightened activity of those who “shall run to and fro” refers to this increased study of his writings and the other prophetic Scriptures that are tied to his book. The result is “knowledge shall be increased” when God opens up those truths that were formerly “closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

     The Priesthood of the Apocalypse” is an examination of these Scriptures focusing upon The 144 Thousand who are unfolded in the prophetic Word as they are the necessary continuation of the priesthood of believers after the rapture of the saints during the time of God’s wrath which is called the Day of the Lord.
     This study lays emphasis upon the literal method of interpreting the Scripture for the plain common sense interpretation provides the most accurate rendering as the following quote underlines:
“Many of the interpretations placed upon the Bible’s revelation of the future presuppose that it just cannot mean what the words plainly seem to say, therefore, another explanation is required. That is the common source of the alternative prophetic views. Men come to the Bible and look at prophecy. Ideas have come to them from various quarters, and they admit that, at the first reading, they would understand these words simply to mean one thing, yet they maintain that the words do not mean what they plainly appear to say. That is unbelief. That is, we need someone to interpret for us what God has said, and that makes the interpreter the authority, not God. If someone speaks to me in a foreign language and I have another to interpret, I utterly depend on what the interpreter tells me. Thus, when prophetic teachers say what God means when He has said something different, we would have to trust in them, and not in what the Bible says if we accept such adjusting of the plain language of God. That is the problem source. That is the common pattern in all of the alternative prophetic views that are to be found amongst God’s people, an alternative to the simple understanding that what God says is precisely what He means.” (“A Correct Understanding of Pre-Millennial Truth-An Aid to Faith” pp.19 “Watching and Waiting” by: Ivan Foster)

     By utilizing the literal method of interpretation, the Scriptures take on new meaning in passages that have controlled the prophetic thinking of many of those who are Bible believers. The focus of this study centers upon The 144 Thousand who are God’s lifeline to those who will be saved during the time after the saints are raptured. They will be sealed for protection (Revelation 7:1-8; 9:4) in order to continue their ministry (Revelation 14:1-5) during the Day of the Lord when God pours out His wrath upon earth.

      They also appear in the Old Testament (Psalm 110; Obadiah; Micah 5) providing additional information illuminating their coming ministry during a time when the earth will be experiencing the most devastating and destructive judgments from the Lord as described in Revelation 8-19. “The Priesthood of the Apocalypse” unfolds the vital Redemption Ministry of The 144 Thousand who will be God’s  kingdom of priests on earth during the Day of the Lord.

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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