The 144
The Passing of the
Torch - [Part II]
As we have seen in Part I, Revelation chapter seven focuses on two
significant groups of God’s children. The first is the 144 Thousand and the
second is the great multitude in heaven, which are the resurrected and raptured
saints of the ages. The 144 Thousand are now God’s kingdom of priests on earth
during the Day of the Lord’s wrath and the resurrected and raptured saints are
home in heaven.
If this chosen group of
men, the 144 Thousand, are truly children of God, then why were they not
raptured when the saints were caught up into heaven? How could they be God’s
children and not be raptured with the great multitude now in heaven? In order
to answer these questions we must recognize just where we are in God’s program.
At this point in time we are well into what is known as Daniel’s 70th
Week. The period known as the Day of the Lord is about to begin. God will be
dealing with His chosen earthly people, the Jews, in these last seven years of
Daniel’s prophesied time period which is 490 years in duration (Daniel 9:24).
The 70th Week of Daniel is almost over, and, there may be but
a few years left before these seven years are finished. We must recognize that
the Lord always brings those whom He has chosen into His family the same way
and that is “by grace…through faith” (Ephesians 2:8).
In the Old Testament era that ran its course until John the Baptist, the
Holy Spirit of God did not indwell all those who believed. This blessing of the
indwelling Holy Spirit, was and now is “the promise of the Father” (Luke
24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:33, 39) which was given after Jesus ascended to heaven
and was glorified on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) as taught in the New
It is theoretically possible that the 144 Thousand will be redeemed under the Old Covenant that is in effect
during these last seven years, which is the 70th Week of Daniel, and
may not receive the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. Then, when the rapture occurs, they will remain to serve the Lord as
they do not have “the earnest of the Spirit” (II Corinthians 1:22) in
their hearts. The earnest or down payment which is the indwelling Holy Spirit “is
the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption (rapture) of the purchased
possession” (Ephesians 1:14) which in short means that those with the
indwelling Holy Spirit will be raptured and those without will not.
Those who believe God, just as Abraham: “And he (Abraham) believed in
the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15:6), will
be bona-fide children of God. But, they might not possess the indwelling Spirit
Who supplies the believer with the means whereby they are raptured into heaven.
The graves will open:
dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain (those with
the indwelling Spirit) shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to
meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (I
Thessalonians 4:16, 17)
There are other believing Jews who will also remain on earth after the
rapture. The “two witnesses” will prophesy for “a thousand two
hundred and three score days” [3-1/2 years] (Revelation 11:3). The rapture
occurs during this 3-1/2 year time period. “The woman” [faithful nation
of Israel] too, will remain on earth during this same time period (Revelation
During the 70th Week, God’s plan of redemption may revert to
the restored (Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 17:11) “holy covenant” [Old Covenant] (Daniel 11:28-31) as He
once again deals with the nation of Israel just as He did during the previous
483 years or 69 weeks of Daniel’s 70 weeks.
If that is the case, there will those believers in the Church who enter
the 70th week of Daniel, but, when those last seven years begin
(Daniel 9:24-27), God will once again deal with the Jew under the
Old Covenant. And so, “The Passing of the Torch” will be accomplished. The Church
saints will pass the torch to the 144 Thousand and they in turn will be the
Lord’s necessary kingdom of priests providing their Redemption Ministry during
the Day of the Lord judgment.
This chosen group of men will remain on the earth as they “follow the
Lamb whithersoever He goes” (Revelation 14:4) indicating their full
and complete dedication to His will. This mighty group of disciples will
witness of their redemption and their glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to
those who will remain, Jew and Gentile alike, during the great and dreadful Day
of the Lord.
They will be supernaturally protected from the cataclysmic judgment of
God as indicated in this text:
“And it was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
tree: but only those men which have not the seal (signature) of
God in their foreheads.” (Revelation 9:4)
Here is the confirmation for the purpose of the signature of God in the
foreheads of the 144 Thousand. These choice young men, the 144 Thousand, who
have been supernaturally sealed at the beginning of the Day of the Lord’s
wrath, will be protected from the tormenting judgment of the fifth trumpet.
We must recognize that what has been written above is merely a theory
of how things may unfold during the time of the end. However, it
is based upon Biblical truth and could well be the way the Lord brings about
His plan for the end times.
As the Scripture is examined God’s plan for the 144 Thousand becomes
clear for they have at least twelve descriptive attributes that provide the
Bible student with the information necessary to determine their specific role
during the Day of the Lord. The first of these twelve is found in Revelation
not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants
of our God in their foreheads.”
We have already covered the
sealing or signature of God in their foreheads, which provides their
supernatural protection during the Day of the Lord. The second attribute tells of their duty to
God. They are called “servants” which literally means “slave or
bondservant”. This title is reserved for those who have surrendered their lives
to the Lord for His service and glory.
Paul, James, John, Peter, Moses and the prophets are some of the men
that are described by this word in the New Testament. These are not just
nominal or newly saved children of God, no, these are the “cream of the crop”,
the best there is on the planet, chosen and choice bond-servants of the Living
The third attribute mentioned is found in Revelation 7:4:
I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed and hundred
and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children (sons) of
Here we learn that they are “sons” which is the meaning of this
Greek word translated “children”, so, they are men. The Lord also makes
it clear that their heritage or bloodline is from His earthly chosen people,
the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.
The tribe of Dan is omitted and the tribe of Ephraim, although missing
in name, is sealed under Joseph as he had only two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
This brings up another question, “Who is a Jew?” Is a Jew a self-proclaimed
proselyte of Judaism? Is a Jew one who wears the orthodox garb and is seen on
the news at the Wailing Wall? No, a Jew is one who is of the bloodline of the
original twelve sons of Jacob as listed in Genesis 49.
Their fourth attribute is found in Revelation 14:1: “And
I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with Him and hundred
forty and four thousand.”
These select servants of God are seen “with the Lamb”. It appears
that they are inseparable as the Lord’s presence on mount Zion at the end of
the 70th week of Daniel is recorded. The next thing we are told
concerns their ability. “And no man
could learn that song but the hundred and forty and
four thousand.” (Revelation 14:3)
will be the only men on earth that can learn “the new song” which will
be played by the heavenly “harpers”. Their extraordinary musical ability
is demonstrated here as they sing unto the Lord with the scene taking on a holy
heavenly aura “before the throne” with both heaven and earth harmonizing
in instrument and song praising the Lord of the universe for the redemption of
His people.
In verse three we are given more specifics: “which were redeemed from
the earth.” The focal point of all
Scripture is the word redemption. Here the word emphasizes the Price that was
paid for the redemption or buying back of something, which in fact is already
owned by God because He created all that exists.
He gave His own Son to buy back, out of the slave market of sin, the
souls of men, which He already owned. Underline the Price that was paid, the
precious life Blood of Christ! This prize group of men stand upon Mount Zion
with the Lamb…one of the first and the last titles given to the Lord Jesus
Christ in the New Testament: “Behold, the
Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
“And there shall be no more
curse, but, the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it.”
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book of redemption. No less than
twenty-eight times the Lord takes the Old Testament redemption title of “the
Lamb” in this the final book of Scripture, which has as its emphasis
throughout its entirety the glorious topic of redemption.
Then, Revelation 7:4 tells of their undefiled physical purity: “These
are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.” They
have given themselves fully to the Lord. They have kept themselves pure
physically, thereby lessening one of the great temptations that in the last
days of this age will be at the highest level ever, drawing men into sin.
“These are they
which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes.”(Revelation14:4b).
This brief but fully descriptive statement
indicates their total dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ. “Follow, follow, I
will follow Jesus, anywhere, everywhere, I will follow Him” should be the
heart-song of all who have been redeemed by the precious Blood of the Lamb.
“These were
redeemed from among men, being the first-fruits unto God, and to the Lamb.”
(Revelation 14:4c)
Here, the same word is used describing their redemption, once again
emphasizing the Price paid for their eternal souls. An additional statement
reveals their unique position of being “the first-fruits” or first to be
redeemed under the Old Covenant of that future harvest of Israelites (Romans
11:25, 26) during the 70th Week of Daniel.
Their moral purity is also indicated:
“And in their mouth was found no guile for
they are without fault before the throne of God.”
(Revelation 14:5)
The word “guile” lays emphasis on lies or falsehoods. “Without
fault” indicates their blameless conduct. These men, as part of the
believing remnant of Israel “shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither
shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth” (Zephaniah 3:13) thereby
providing them with continual abiding access before the throne of God. This mighty group of end times Disciples of Christ is clearly identified
1. Sealed by the Signature of God
2. Servants of God (7:3)
3. Sons of Israel (7:4)
4. Standing with the Lamb of God
5. Singing a New Song (14:3a)
6. Saved from the Earth (14:3b)
7. Sanctified Physically (14:4a)
8. Surrendered Saints (14:4b)
9. Saved from among Men (14:4c)
Saved as the First fruits unto God and The Lamb (14:4d)
Morally (14:5a)
Serving before
the Throne of God (14:5b)
In order to fully realize the potential of this magnificent group of
disciples of Christ, consider their number, 144 Thousand, revealing that they
will be a mighty dynamic force for Christ on earth during the end times when
they “follow Him wherever He goes”. Remember, they are 12,000 times His
original group of twelve disciples “who turned the world upside down” at
the beginning of this age.
While the known world has exponentially grown since those days, their
impact will be tremendously effective indeed for the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
during the Great Tribulation (Daniel 11:32-35; 12:3, 10) when they are being
prepared for their Day of the Lord Redemption Ministry as the Lord’s kingdom of
They will be the instruments of God’s mercy to those Jews and Gentiles
who will be saved during the closing days of this age and the following time
period called “the great and dreadful Day of the Lord” (Malachi 4:5, 6). They
will be ready and willing to serve the King of kings, and Lord of lords Who is:
“The Lamb of God Who takes away the
sin of the world” (John 1:29)!
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